LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – An Arkansas high school’s rule for parents is making headlines after going viral on Facebook, according to KARK-TV.

The Catholic High School for Boys post reads, “Welcome to Catholic High. We teach reading, writing, arithmetic, and problem-solving.”

There’s also a photo of a sign affixed to the school doors instructing parents: “If you are dropping off your son’s forgotten lunch, books, homework, equipment, etc, TURN AROUND and exit the building. Your son will learn to problem-solve in your absence.”


The Facebook post has since been shared over 100,000 times.

Principal Steve Straessle told KARK-TV, “We put a sign up on the front door to not only alert new parents to the policy, but to remind people why we do it,” said Straessle.

Some parents were upset, commenting that kids who forgot their lunches might be hungry. Principal Straessle wants to assure everyone that won’t happen because they know how to problem solve.

Some students even appreciate the rule, like senior Patrick Wingfield, who said, “It makes me think for myself and not rely on other people to do things for me.”

Straessle said the rule was made to benefit the students. “It’s simply to help boys avoid the default switch of calling mom and dad when things don’t go right to bail them out.”

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People Talked about Their Weirdest Fetishes and Things Got Super-Awkward. Part-2 0 416

6. Dress to impress

“I am a straight male, and the thought or action of putting on a dress shirt with a firm collar, tie, vest, suit, everything is a massive turn on, even more so if my wife asks me to, tells me to and even more so if she helps me get dressed, especially tying my tie and pulling it up snug. The idea of having to bear wearing such restrictive clothing for an uncertain amount of time sends me over the edge dam nnear.

7. Got milk?

“Lactation, the idea of drinking milk straight from a girl’s breast, or having a female partner drink from mine. Very unlikely to happen in reality though as I’m a lesbian.”

8. Keep it in the family 

“Incest. It’s a shameful fetish for me that I wouldn’t even indulge with my SO if he were okay with it.”

9. Pregnancy

“I am somewhat… uh… attracted? to, er, pregnant women. It makes no fucking biological sense, whatsoever. Maybe it’s because I hate children.”

10. I hope this is a joke 

“I fantasise about a bikini-clad Margot Robbie and Jennifer Lawrence holding me down on a bed and smothering me with a pillow. After I’m dead they are both breathless and sweaty from the struggle.”  

See the Part-1

11. Naked in public

“A guy getting humiliated by circumstance, accidentally being seen naked in front of the girl he likes and being embarrassed as f*ck, but the girl is kind and comforts him, and they have an emotional bonding moment. It’s oddly specific, I know, and very hard to find across.”

12. Pom-poms

“Typical cheerleader stuff, but I want the girl to keep shaking the pom-poms while she’s thrashing about. And every. single. scene. in existence has the uniform off and the pom-poms gone in the first 10 seconds. *Sigh*”


See the Part-1


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